Invite Plants to Every Meal

Tiffany WilkersonInvite Plants to Every Meal



Frisco, TX

If you have ever had the opportunity to meet Tiffany, you will see why she is described as a “Plant-Based Gardener,” whose zeal to plant as many seeds of nutritional health and awareness is second to none. With some rooted knowledge watered with life application, her desire is for everyone to blossom and grow into a better quality of life through food.

Her heart, experience, and education speak for themselves. She first began her transition in 2010 upon losing one of the most important people in her life, her grandmother, Dorothy, to Stage 4 Colon Cancer. After her passing, it was when Tiffany immediately knew that her life must change, nutritionally.  And thus from there, first starting as a Pescatarian and then transitioning….a whole food plant based life was born. Committed to this very new way of living, she immersed herself (and continues to do so) in plant-based learning.

Proudly, she continues to expand her knowledge of plant-based nutrition. Tiffany is a Licensed Food For Life Instructor with the Physicians For Responsible Medicine. She is a graduate of the T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies from eCornell University earning a Plant-Based Certification and received her Culinary Plant Based Certification from Rouxbe Forks Over Knives Culinary  School. She has also obtained her Certified Health/Wellness Coach Certification with an emphasis on Lifestyle Medicine from WellCoaches as well as completing her Culinary Coaching Certification Program from Harvard University. Tiffany is also certified in Intermittent Fasting.
