Michele Leao

Michele LeaoMichele Leao



Rye, NY

Certified Health Coach by HCI and Graduated in Functional Gastronomy by Holistic School of Functional Gastronomy in Sao Paulo.

I grew up in the interior of Brazil in Goias, with an agricultural family background. My childhood memories are about celebrating ‘the bounty of the earth’s produce’.


At the age of 25, I decided to come to the USA to offer better opportunities for my son. I immediately started working in the beauty industry, sometimes in Cosmetic Brand Companies and sometimes with MedSpa coordination. Even though I was very engaged with marketing specialized products and providing white glove service for our public, I didn’t feel fulfilled, and after ten years, I started to rethink everything.


In 2018, I looked for a professional opportunity in the gastronomy area, but I didn’t know exactly where I would focus. I was sure I didn’t want to work in restaurants, and that’s when I started to investigate Functional Gastronomy. I identified with it immediately! The more I worked with it, the more passionate I became. I pursued training and education, innovated techniques at home and at work, and received my  Functional Gastronomy Certification in 2020.


As an established Certified Health Coach, I could envision a personalized, holistic approach to balance and harmony that would enable me create a vibrant vision for healthy functional cuisine without limitations. I learned that Feeling, Doing, and Living Well is about respecting balance and harmony, which for me, includes a piece of chocolate and a glass (or two) of wine in our lives!


Looking back at this process, I remember meeting Luis more than 20 years ago when he began working as a Professional Personal Chef, admiring  his cooking style, which was very similar to mine. Our connection has transformed our vision through our love and compassion for each other.


Now together, Luiz and I, firmly believe that food and lifestyle are more than just a combination of ingredients - it is the product of inspiration and imagination.


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