Jeff Purrazzi

Jeff PurrazziJeff Purrazzi



Southampton, NY

Chef Jeff Purrazzi is a self taught award winning 25 year culinary veteran. He is an avid supporter of local food throughout the New York and Connecticut area championing farms and local food any chance he gets. Jeff is currently a renowned private chef, as well as the co-host and producer of the popular culinary industry  podcast "Plumluvfoods Live". Interviewing many big names in the culinary field Jeff is known for his witty commentary and deep culinary knowledge. 

Jeff is also a producer for the popular tv series Restaurant Road Trip. As well as serving on the judging table for the series "Elite Chef", and has been featured on national commercials. Jeffs's quick wit, laid back can do attitude always makes him a favorite at festivals such as Sun Wine and Food Festival and Cuisines of the Sun. Jeffs' mantra is so long as it's fun and delicious, I'm in!